Hi everybody my name is Misty !!!
I was told that I should start this blog to show off some of the things I make
First off I have to tell you that I'm not a professional chef and everything that I have done or that I show you on this blog is self taught
I haven't been cooking like this for very long basically it's been about a year
What started it all is that I had a major surgery and some other major things happen in my life and I decided that I needed to take care of myself and eat healthy and just be happy with myself so this is one of the things I started doing is cooking fresh meals at home and not eating all the garbage that you find in a restaurant or just eating chips or stuff that wasn't very good for me
Now I'm not saying that I don't cheat once in awhile and go to a restaurant and order something or order something to be delivered to my house because I do there's just some days that I don't feel like cooking if so I'll order something instead of making something at home but I'll tell you this it's very far and few between when I do that because I find cooking at home very enjoyable and it's very relaxing
I also want to share with you that I use a wheelchair in my daily life to get around so some of this blog maybe tips and little tricks for people with disabilities on cooking
Thanks for taking the time and checking out my new blog I hope you stay tuned for more to come because I'm really excited about this
There maybe even times where I share Cooking With Friends or family
This photo was taking a year ago!
This is me as of 5-23-16
Very nice for your first blog I like it